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The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions

  • Company Industries:Others

Company Info

The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions


Recruit Position

Position Location Update Recruit Number
工會幹事 I / Event Officer I (Ref: CPU/170301) Tsim Sha Tsui 2024-07-02
工聯會立法會議員辦事處 議員助理(宣傳設計) (Ref: LCJ/240201) Admiralty 2024-05-01
工聯會立法會議員辦事處 議員助理(政策研究) (Ref: LCJ/240202) Admiralty 2024-05-01
工聯會立法會議員辦事處 議員助理(財務及行政) (Ref: LCJ/240203) Admiralty 2024-05-01
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