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籌款推廣大使組長 (Fundraising Team Leader)

Plan International Hong Kong 國際培幼會

  • Company Industries:Charity/Social Services/Non-Profit Organisation

Job Information

  • Post Date:2017-07-08
  • Career Level:Middle
  • Location:Not Specified
  • Salary:Salary provided
  • Employment Type:Contract
  • Job Function:Business Development  Sales - Sales Management  

Job Description



-    建立、訓練及帶領籌款團隊,透過各類型的戶內/戶外籌款活動,向市民推廣國際培幼會並邀請參加月捐助養兒童計劃。

-    定期協助策劃戶內/戶外籌款活動,發揮團隊精神,達至籌款目標。



-    具社會服務熱忱、關心兒童權益,有志為貧困兒童出一分力

-    勤奮主動有禮,有自信,有責任感,對工作熱誠、有團隊合作精神

-    具良好銷售、通技巧及表達能力

-    具備最少3年銷售、推廣產品經驗及對籌款行業有興趣者優先



-    每天7小時,5天工作,輪休,薪酬及獎金每月$21,000 或以上

-    有薪年假14天及銀行假期

-    醫療福利(包括牙科診治)

-    專業在職培訓及良好晉升機會


如申請後九十日內未獲面試通知,該申請將視作為不成功 。


Company Info

Plan International was founded over 80 years ago and is one of the world’s leading child-focused organisations. We strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Headquartered in the U.K., we are working in 57 developing countries to improve the quality of life in health, education, environment and livelihood with the funding from 21 fundraising offices. Plan International is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations.

Plan International has a deep connection with Hong Kong as it operated a field office from 1959 to 1973, helping nearly 12,000 local children and their families. The Hong Kong office is re-opened in 2009, giving the Hong Kong community a chance to give back by supporting child development programmes and emergency relief work in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Plan International Hong Kong has extended its work to local community in recent years with a focus on safeguarding children’s best interest so children can grow up equally, are being valued and cared for, and free from discrimination, fear or violence. 

Plan International HK is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applicants who meet the respective requirements of the job vacancy. All appointments are based on the candidates’ past working experience, competencies and qualifications regardless of their gender, age, race, religion, marital status, sexual orientation or family status.

Further information about Plan International Hong Kong may be obtained by visiting our website or our Facebook page. 

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