攝像 (Producer)
MyTV Super Limited
- Company Industries:Media/Publishing/Printing
Job Information
- Post Date:2022-08-17
- Career Level:Entry Level
- Location:Others
- Qualification:Non-Degree Tertiary
- Employment Type:Full Time, Permanent
- Job Function:Media & Advertising Creative / Design Production Design Multi-media
- Benefits:Free shuttle bus, Life insurance, Medical insurance, Five-day work week
Job Description
- 負責短視頻的拍攝,熟悉鏡頭語言、分鏡腳本、佈景 、燈光等要素的綜合運用
- 各種拍攝設備的操作、使用和保養
- 拍攝素材的修片及調色等後期工作
- 瞭解視頻帳號定位,與編導合作完成有創意的視覺方案
- 對內地網路文化、玩法等有一定瞭解,特別是抖音、快手等短視頻平台
- 新媒體深度中毒者,喜歡玩抖音、快手、B站等,熱愛視覺創作、腦洞大
- 熟悉視頻、人像等拍攝工作
- 有較強的美術功底、審美良好
- 對熱點話題、娛樂新聞有獨立的見解
- 積極主動、責任心強、有團隊意識和溝通協調能力
- 面試時必需帶備自主拍攝的影視作品
Company Info
MyTV Super Limited is a digital media business unit of Television Broadcasts Limited. The company designs, builds and operates myTV SUPER, the leading OTT platform in Hong Kong. The service was successfully launched on 18 April 2016 and was delivered via a TVB branded set-top box and mobile application. Dedicated to make our content and service a truly useful and entertaining experience for our customers, we are growing a talented team to achieve business excellence. Opportunities for a dynamic and challenging career now exit for those who are committed to excel in the Internet business.
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