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法律合規主管 Legal and Compliance Supervisor;司庫業務助理 Treasury Assistant

CRRC Hongkong Capital Management Co., Limited

  • Company Industries:Others

Job Information

  • Post Date:2024-07-16
  • Location:Wan Chai
  • Employment Type:Full time
  • Job Function:Generalists  In  house  

Job Description

Company Name:CRRC HongKong Capital Management Co., LTD.

Company Information公司简介
The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CRRC Corporation Limited (Stock Code:1766).

Position: Legal and Compliance Supervisor

Job Description工作内容简介  

  • Provides full spectrum of legal advice and guidance to business units, drafting and reviewing legal documents.
  • 为业务部门提供全面的法律咨询和指导,起草、审查法律文件。


  • Handle legal activities on investment, funds and treasury management. 
  • 负责处理投资、基金、财资管理等方面的法律事务。


  • Responsible for legal audit projects and general compliance matters.
  • 负责法律审核项目及一般合规事务。


  • Perform and implement the establishment of Risk Management System,legal compliance management,risk assessment and risk management matters.
  • 负责建立并执行风险管理体系、法律合规管理、风险评估及风险管理事项。


  • Proactively coordinate and communicate with external legal counsel.
  • 负责与外部法律顾问协调和沟通。


  • Assit in variour legal risk control matters
  • 协助处理各类法律风控事项。



  • Bachelor's degree or above in law, preferably in a common law jurisdiction.
  • 法律专业本科及以上学历,普通法司法管辖区优先。


  • Qualified lawyers recognized by common law jurisdictions or Chinese legal qualifications, preferably in a common law jurisdiction, at least with 3 years of working experience in the field of equity investment, funds and corporate law (mixture of both in-house and private practice experience is preferred).
  • 具有普通法司法管辖区认可或中国法律资格的合格律师资格,普通法司法管辖区优先,并在股权投资、基金和公司法律领域拥有至少3年工作经验(具有内部和私人执业经验优先)。


  • Minimum 3 – 5 years’ relevant experience.
  • 至少 3–5 年相关经验。


  • Work experience in Chinese SOEs an advantage but not prerequisite; experience in compliance a definite advantage.
  • 国企工作经验及合规管理经验优先。


  • Candidates with legal litigation experience are preferred.
  • 具有法律诉讼经验者优先。


  • A team player, diligent and responsible.
  • 团队合作能力强,工作努力认真,责任心强。


  • Good communication skills with fluency in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
  • 熟练使用普通话、粤语、英语沟通及擅于沟通。


  • Good command of written Chinese and English, ability to draft Chinese and English business documents independently.
  • 较好的中、英文书面能力,可以独立起草中英文业务文档、合同。


  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and other office software skills.
  • 熟练使用Microsoft Word, Excel等办公系统软件。

* Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.
* 所收集的个人资料将仅用于招聘用途。


Position: Treasury Assistant

Job Description 工作內容簡介  

  • Responsible for Treasury Centre Inner-company loans. Responsible for evaluating and improving the inner-group loan system, including Annual Credit Rating/Granting, loan issuance and post-loan management, etc.
  • 負責財資中心信貸業務。修訂內部信貸業務制度,評估信貸業務風險。開展內部信貸工作,包括內部信用評級、年度授信、貸款發放及貸後管理等。

  • Participate in CRRC Treasury System development, including operation and management, Loan section, Liability section and Risk section, etc.
  • 參與中車司庫建設及境外司庫平臺系統建設,負責貸款模組、債務模組和風險模組建設、日常操作及維護。

  • Participate in Financial Shared Service.
  • 參與財務共用工作。

  •  Participate in other overseas treasury related jobs required by CRRC Headquarter.
  •  參與中國中車總部開展其他境外資金業務。

Requirements 工作要求 

  • Full time bachelor degree or above.
  • 全日制本科以上學歷。

  • Graduated in Auditing, Accounting, Finance or other related disciplines with related working experience is preferred.
  • 財務、審計、金融相關專業畢業,有相關工作經驗優先。

  • Ability to work independently.
  • 可以獨立開展工作。

  • A team player, diligent and responsible.
  • 團隊合作能力強,工作努力認真,責任心強。

  • Good communication skills with fluency in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
  • 熟練使用普通話、粵語、英語溝通及擅於溝通。

  • Good command of written Chinese and English, ability to draft Chinese and English business documents independently.
  • 較好的中、英文書面能力,可以獨立起草中英文業務文檔、合同。

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and other office software skills, SAP experience is preferred.
  • 熟練使用Microsoft Word, Excel等辦公系統軟體,有SAP系統使用經驗者優先。

* Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.
* 所收集的個人資料將僅用於招聘用途。

Company Info

CRRC Hongkong Capital Management Co., Limited


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