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Finance & Wealth Manager/ Management Trainee - IANGs/ TTPS/ QMAS Welcome!

Elite Financial Planning Consultancy Limited

  • Company Industries:Others

Job Information

  • Post Date:2024-07-16
  • Location:Fortress Hill
  • Salary:$23,000 – $34,000 per month
  • Employment Type:Full time
  • Others:Prosperous Career Growth
    Professional training + Experienced mentor support
  • Job Function:Corporate  Finance  Investment  Banking  
  • Benefits:Monthly Allowance + Package Bonus + Production Incentive

Job Description


Top 500 financial planning company provides comprehensive career development


** 工作職責 **

  1. 專業財策顧問:提供全面的財富管理服務,包括儲蓄、投資、財富傳承和風險管理方案及跟進服務。
  2. 建立牢固的關係:與香港、中國內地和海外客戶建立持久的聯系及跟進。
  3. 成為年青領導者:配合團隊培訓及方向,1-2年内晉升管理階層,加速發展自主事業。 

** Job Descriptions ** 

  1. Professional Financial Advisor : Provide comprehensive wealth management services including savings, investment, wealth inheritance, risk management solutions and follow-up services.
  2. Build Strong Relationships : Build lasting relationships and follow-up with clients in Hong Kong,   Mainland China, and overseas. 
  3. Be a Leader : We provide intensive training and fast track to management level within 1-2 years, facilitating tailor-made independent business development towards work-life balance.


** 我們正尋找 **

  • 2 - 3年工作經驗優先
  • 成熟、精力充沛、热情外向、上进心强、勤奋好学的人
  • 良好的人際關係和溝通能力
  • 有金融、銷售工作經驗優先
  • 粵語或普通話流利
  • 本科及以上學歷(任何專業)
  • 歡迎應屆畢業生,IANGs, 高才(TTPS), 優才(QMAS)

** We are looking for : **

  • 2 - 3 years of working experience preferred
  • Mature, passionate, self-motivated individuals
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Work experience in Finance / Sales & Marketing preferred
  • Fluent in Cantonese or Mandarin
  • Bachelor's degree (any discipline) or above
  • Fresh graduates, IANGs, TTPS, QMAS are also welcomed


** 我們提供 **

  • 薪酬津貼:每月20k – 40k港元的津貼 +  豐厚獎金 +  業績花紅 + 海外旅遊獎勵
  • 專業培訓 +  經驗豐富的導師支援
  • 優越的事業發展,快速晉升管理階層
  • 彈性工作時間
  • 醫療保險和附加福利 

** We offer **

  • Compensation allowance: HK$ 20k – 40k monthly allowance + package bonus + production incentive + overseas travel incentive
  • Professional training + Experienced mentor support
  • Excellent career path to management level
  • Flexible working hours
  • Medical insurance and fringe benefits

Company Info

Elite Financial Planning Consultancy Limited


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