AIA Wealth Management Manager /Management Trainee, Financial Graduate...
AIA International Limited
- Company Industries:Others
Job Information
- Post Date:2024-09-25
- Location:Causeway Bay
- Salary:$20,000 – $30,000 per month
- Employment Type:Full time
- Others:學士研究生背景,擁有資深導師、多元文化的團隊
Basic Plus Commission, 新人花紅, 行業最優Package - Job Function:Account Relationship Management
Job Description
- Provides Financial Strategies for Clients, Identifies Objectives and Constraints
- Formulates Wealth Management Solutions with Strong Communication, Analytical, and Presentation Skills
- Conducts Investment Research and Stays Informed of Developments in the Growing Insurance Industry
- Grows Book of Business through Identifying Value-Added Services for Clients Combining the Respective Areas Expertise
- Learns Relationship Management and Communication Techniques through Utilizing the Full Capabilities of the Organization
- Participates in Ongoing Training and Development Sessions
- Multi-background Team, Super Flexible Working Mode
- Better Income Potential, One-of-a-kind Financing Scheme
- Distinctive Training System Delivered by Leading Experts
- Comprehensive Medical Coverage and Insurance Plans
- Benefit from Exclusive Recognition, Privilege & Trips
- Clear Career Roadmap to Management Level
- An Guaranteed Internship Certificate
- Professional Training and Flexible Internship Schedule
- Two Business Licenses throughout the Program
- Chance for Receiving Return Offer
- 友邦保險今日的業務成就可追溯至1919年逾一個世紀前於上海的發源地。作為最大的泛亞地區獨立上市人壽保險集團,至今覆蓋亞洲18個市場,穩佔領導地位。
- 友邦致力透過提供不同的產品,為各社區帶來顯著的正面影響。在《財富》雜誌的2022年「改變世界的公司」榜單名列首十位。
- AIA是香港聯交所最大上市公司,自2010年上市後,市值升逾四倍,總資產值達 3,400億美元,為恆生指數第二大成分股。
- AIA「Challenge Family」以「精英團隊 執行細節 追求卓越」為宗旨。
- 「Challenge Family」是無數行業頂尖領袖的搖籃。依靠「重質不重量」的原則,配合專業培訓安排,新人能夠最快速度達到目標。
- 「Challenge Family」獲獎記錄首屈一指。連續12年取得行業最高榮譽「最高百萬圓桌會會員比例、最多百萬圓桌會會員人數的區域大獎」。業績媲美大型投資公司。
CYN Branch以公認的各項榮譽,成為每位有志入行的人才的首選。憑藉高學歷、高質素的底蘊以及打磨數十年的專業培訓體系,被譽為獲得行業殊榮的同事的「青訓基地」。
一對一導師全方位扶持新人發展。除剛畢業的大學生,CYN Branch有金融、法律、經濟學、市場學等不同領域的人才為客戶提供最專業的服務。作為業界的領跑者,CYN Branch的每位年輕學員,皆能達成MDRT 、COT及TOT的目標。團隊定期安排的投資銀行、基金公司分享,亦有經濟、醫療和加密貨幣等不同主題,幫助同事成為頂尖的多元化財策精英。作為栽培後進的最佳土壤,CYN Branch將助你快速建立事業,盡展所長,實現「財富自由」的目標。
Why Join AIA
- 我們的人員比銀行、證券等金融從業者擁有更靈活的時間和空間。自由建立團隊,發展終身事業,成為行業企業家。
- 不單只助您發展事業,我們更希望照顧您工作和生活的平衡。我們為員工提供一系列的活動及措施,助您在思維、情緒、規劃上都各得其所。
- 我們正建立可持續發展的將來。數據顯示,未來10年間香港及內地將迎最大退休潮。透過多年來完備的保障及財富管理方案,我們已為上億人的生活帶來積極影響。
- 2019年起,政府實施多項市場政策以支持行業。疫情過後,面對龐大且不斷增長的市場,空前的機遇已經出現。
#1 People Networking
We enable candidate to be a part of a highly enriched people network. Networking helps the candidate to gain fresh insights to stand out from competition
#2 Personality Development
Candidates will go through rigorous learning boot-camps and practice sessions to have 360 degree of development, which is designed to last a lifetime
#3 Entrepreneurship Mindset
Our programme is designed to build sustainable entrepreneurs. An entrepreneurship mindset is a critical building block for success
#4 Financial Industry & Economic Expertise
Our programme is an important training ground for candidates to develop financial knowledge and economic expertise
#5 Leadership Skills
Our training sessions builds participants who are equipped with leadership skills. Participants develop self-management that will ultimately gear them towards their goals
Do you believe in better?
At AIA, we don’t simply believe in being ‘The Best’. We believe in better - because there’s no limit to how far ‘better’ can take us.
If you believe in inspiring a better future, we'd love to hear from you.
Find your Better at AIA.
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